Everyday Circus: A Slice of Life RP
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Nana Horoyoi
Posts : 1
Join date : 2024-06-06

Nana Horoyoi Empty Nana Horoyoi

Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:28 pm

Nickname(s)/Alias(es): "Ikki" - Codename used during OTA operations.
Race: Cybernetically-Enhanced Human
Gender: F
Age: 24
Height: 5'4" / 162cm
Weight: 131 lb / 59 kg
Hometown: Shinjuku-ku
Occupation: Head Bartender / OTA Agent
Organization: Orbital Technology Alliance


Nana Horoyoi is a fair-skinned, slightly freckle-faced young woman. She stands at roughly 5'4", weighs around 131lbs, and has a toned, athletic physique. Her turquoise-colored hair is thick and voluminous, and is long enough to reach just beyond her shoulders, though she thinks it's cuter to tie it into two messy buns that rest above her collarbone. Nana's bright, blue eyes are very inviting. She has a small button nose, pouty lips, and a small beauty mark below the left corner of her mouth.

Her wardrobe is typically comprised of hand-me-downs or thrifted items, which she cobbles together into something she finds cute. A t-shirt or tank top, suspenders, baggy cargo pants, and boots are her go-to when she doesn't know what to put on that day. On her left wrist, Nana wears her prized Seiko watch. She keeps her nails trimmed and unpolished.



Personality: Nana is headstrong and self-driven, and can be almost reckless at times, but she's got a good heart and a friendly demeanor.
Features & Quirks: Nana is a functioning alcoholic. Despite having an impressive alcohol tolerance, however, she tends to lose in drinking contests. She possesses an internal database of everything she's learned, and everyone she's met, but heavy drinking has caused this database to glitch out and lose data from time to time. Additionally, Nana is also rather irresponsible when it comes to money — likely as a result of growing up poor, and not being taught the responsibility of budgeting and financial stability.
Theme Song: Shaker ~ 40mP feat. Hatsune Miku


Born on April 30th 1996, Nana Horoyoi was always a peculiar child. Her parents, Shibuya natives, conceived Nana out of wedlock. It wasn't long after discovering the pregnancy that Nana's father left in the middle of the night — never to come back. Nana enjoyed a decently normal life for her first few years, despite her mother's revolving door of male companions, until finally being dropped off at a relative's home on her seventh birthday, where she would remain until high school. Home life with her aunt and uncle wasn't too terrible: two decent meals a day, close proximity to school, plenty of kids her age to grow up with. But, at some point, Nana became disillusioned with the idea of scholarly pursuits or adult jobs, and simply stopped going to school altogether (much to the protest of her caretakers).

At the age of 14, Nana left home. She wandered Tokyo, doing odd jobs under the table and sleeping in derelict buildings and public parks, until one day when she awoke to the sound of shuffling and commotion in her particular warehouse of choice. The now-abandoned storage facility was swarming with strange men and women in unusual uniforms, all bearing the same insignia: OTA — Orbital Technology Alliance. Quickly and quietly, Nana threw the duffel bag containing all of her worldly possessions over her shoulder, and slinked out of the building. Slipping past the grunts and scientists, she couldn't help but take note of how the men operated. Never in her life had she seen such a clandestine operation carried out before her eyes, and she had to admit to herself that it was more amazing than comic books or films could ever depict. So, after a few miles of wandering to her next home for the night, Nana finally passed out, exhausted from the night's journey.

The very next day, Nana's first order of business was to hunt down OTA's headquarters in Odaiba. As soon as she walked through the automatic glass doors, her eyes were assaulted by harsh, fluorescent white light. It reminded her of the hospital, almost. Mustering all of her courage and charisma, Nana waltzed up to the front desk and asked for a job. Despite her insistence that it wasn't a joke, the man at the reception desk refused to take her seriously. She was a year too young to even apply for a job, after all. Dejected, the teen moped back out where she came from, back into the suffocating summer heat. She rounded the corner into an alleyway a few buildings down to seek shade, and in her fit of emotions, Nana noticed something: on the back side of the skyscraper, large scaffoldings had been erected to fix the safety railing on one of the building's balcony decks. Instantly, she knew what she had to do. Once business hours ended, she crept through the construction site, up the scaffolding, and over the railing. The glass door required authorization, however. But Nana wasn't about to give up now. She waited, silently, in the shadow of the building now being cast by a setting sun, behind a waste bin. It felt like she was waiting there for hours, when finally, the door slid open with a mechanical 'whoosh', and out stepped a maintenance man. He took a rest on an adjacent bench overlooking the street below, cigarette in hand — and keycard dangling off the side of the bench from a chain attached to his belt loop. Like a ghost, Nana crept up to his backside, staying out of his peripheral vision, and swiped the card from its clip holder before sneaking inside.

The interior was just as sterile and washed out as the lobby, despite its layout resembling more of an office space. Nana steeled her nerves and kept moving, ducking into bathrooms and behind furniture. It sounded like there were still people present in the building — she had to be careful. She wasn't even quite sure why she was there, or what she was looking for. She just knew she had to get as far as she could. Maybe, she thought, whoever caught her would be so impressed they'd have to take her seriously. Down the halls, she reached an elevator. Curiously, she tried the keycard, and it worked! It only had clearance leading down to the lobby, and Basement 1. Naturally, she had to see where that led her. Of course this would only work if she was alone on the elevator the entire time, which didn't seem likely. As luck would have it, however, Nana made it as far as the keycard would take her, and stepped out of the elevator into a short hallway full of doors and strange signs. It only made sense to take the door at the end of the hallway, as she didn't want to get carried away in snooping around. Behind this door, a still-relatively-bustling storage bunker lay before her, with workers and lab technicians moved throughout the vast facility. Nana's eyes widened, slightly intimidated by the scope of how far she'd come. Suddenly, a voice called out. "Hey! Little girl! Stop right there — this area is off limits!" Yelled a man in a blue mechanic suit, who was now hurriedly jogging towards her. Nana made a break for it, dashing in a random direction far away from that man. She knew she could outrun him: he was middle-aged and portly, she was fourteen, no more needed to be said. Just as the man disappeared behind a stack of shipping crates, Nana snapped her eyes forward. Her gaze fixated on an open warehouse bay — that'd be her ticket to escape. She ran and ran, past workers and around containers until she cleared the threshold, quickly changing directions and ducking behind a shelving unit. A group of men, some workers and, now, some guards, were hot on her trail, but seemed to have lost her in the scuffle. After a heart-pounding search of the area, which Nana managed to survive by hiding behind a cluster of drums and metal barrels, the men dispersed, though one thing was clear: they all knew she was loose in the facility.

Once the coast was clear, Nana took a better look at her surroundings. All around her were rows and rows of shelves and racks, in what seemed to be a receiving bay. Flush with the wall, she noticed a large ventilation shaft with its grill removed. How convenient, she thought. So, she dropped onto her hands and knees and crawled through the extremely claustrophobic space. Not to mention all the stale air blasting her in the face intermittently. After a minute or so of crawling, Nana emerged into what appeared to be a maintenance closet. Judging by the state of it, no one had cleaned it, organized it, or so much as set foot inside this particular closet in a long, long time. She tried the door — it was locked. No matter. For now, she had peace. The crafty young girl barricaded the door as best as she could, stacking boxes and the like against the door, lining them up until they pushed snugly against the opposite wall. Now, no one was opening that door. As she finally took a seat against one of the larger boxes, hours of walking in blistering heat followed by a few more of adrenaline and stress had finally caught up to Nana. Her eyes heavy as freight trains, she drifted off to sleep.

And so, that is how she lived for the next two years. Sneaking into the facility, learning its layout, and even snagging herself a keycard that gave her access to the commissary, as well as a radio to listen in on the goings-on of the guard detail. She was fed, she was safe — relatively speaking, anyway — and she'd managed to cobble together a decently comfortable surface to sleep on. Of course, good things don't always last forever, and this couldn't be more true for Nana. While out and about in the bowels of OTA, someone had finally managed to track down her little squatter's den and busted through the barricade. Watching from a vent, the now-sixteen-year-old Nana backed away, and into the arms of an OTA operative. Unable to wrestle herself free, she was restrained and knocked unconscious. Once she'd finally come to, she was in an interrogation room, chained to the table. Across from her sat a man, visibly in his later 50s, wearing a suit. It all seemed very cliché, she thought. But, finally, he spoke, asking for her name, her age, where she came from, yadda yadda yadda. Nana was very forthcoming in this despite the attempts to intimidate her. The interrogator was shocked to know that Nana had been living in their walls for years, right under their noses. All this time, those on the lookout for her were under the impression that Nana had simply been sneaking around and slipping out without a trace! "I have nothing, and I am nobody," Nana answered, in response to inquiries about her motives. She told them all about what she saw in that warehouse years ago, how she was turned away when she asked about a job, and her plan to infiltrate OTA and show them all how capable she was. She doesn't remember much about what happened afterwards, other than that this was the last day Nana would ever be homeless again.

In the following years, Nana would perform various trials and tests for OTA, trying out new technology or recording data around the Tokyo metropolitan area. One day, she was approached with a different set of tests: fitness exams. Weapons training. Espionage — that sort of thing. She spent some time shadowing an operative known as Null, a senior agent who would offer Nana field training, as well as establish a cover story for her. Down a not-often-traveled alleyway in Shinjuku, Nana would find herself living above a run-down bar owned by a grouchy old man, where she'd begin "working" for. In truth, it didn't matter how badly she performed or how poorly the business performed — she would be groomed to take over, establish a passive income for her, and provide a smokescreen to cover up her more confidential duties for OTA.

At present, Nana is the sole proprietor of Lucky Izakaya. Though she tends to drink more than she actually sells, Nana has come to enjoy her strange double life (Even if she's not actually making much money out of it.)
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