Everyday Circus: A Slice of Life RP
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Join date : 2023-03-10
Age : 25

Character Registration Template Empty Character Registration Template

Tue May 07, 2024 7:12 am

[center][b][size=24][color=#000000]YOUR NAME HERE[/color][/size][/b][/center]

[b]Nickname(s)/Alias(es):[/b] Does your character go by another name or moniker?
[b]Race:[/b] What race is your character?
[b]Gender:[/b] What gender does your character identify as?
[b]Age:[/b] How old is your character?
[b]Height:[/b] How tall is your character?
[b]Weight:[/b] How much does your character weigh?
[b]Hometown:[/b] Where does your character live, currently? They may be born elsewhere, but they must live in a district in one of the following wards: [i]Shibuya-ku, Shinjuku-ku, Chūō-ku, Setagaya-ku, Minato-ku, Chiyoda-ku, Taitō-ku, Toshima-ku, Meguro-ku, Musashino-shi[/i]
[b]Occupation:[/b] Does your character have an occupation?
[b]Organization:[b] Is your character associated with any organization? At present, the following are available for registration: [i]PRISM, The Coterie, OTA, GSPW, Emerald Street Gang[/i]

What does your character look like? Put information relating to your character's physical appearance and style here.

[spoiler][center][img]YOU CAN PUT A URL HERE[/img][/center][/spoiler]


[b]Personality:[/b] What is your character's personality like? This can be as brief or as verbose as you'd like.
[b]Features & Quirks:[/b] What are some neat tidbits about your character? What are they afraid of? Are they a whiz at trivia questions? Do they like a particular kind of food/drink? Do they prefer a specific school of magic?
[b]Theme Song:[/b] Does your character have a theme song?


Detail your character's history here. There is no minimum required length, but it is expected that the older your character is, or the higher their status, the more storied their history should be.
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